an4aa X AAANZ:
Asian art research in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Past, present, possible futures
Convened by the Australasian Network for Asian Art (AN4AA), this panel invites submissions which attend to the 2024 AAANZ conference theme of “Past, present and possible futures”, with particular attention to Asian art research. The panel aims to highlight different modalities of research currently being undertaken across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand related to Asia and its diasporas – through the fields of art history, curatorial and/or creative practices – and spanning different periods, cultures and geographies. We invite papers that provide opportunities to consider the histories of Asian art research in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, current developments in Asian art research, as well as speculations about its possible futures. The panel furthers the work of AN4AA, to support research on the art and visual culture of Asia and its diasporas in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
This panel will be convened in two sessions in Canberra.
Sessions 1: Wednesday 4 December 2024 11.30-13.00 AEDT
Associate Professor Michelle Antoinette, Monash University
Dr Olivier Krischer, University of New South Wales Arts and Design
Yuexiu Shen, Art Gallery of South Australia / Flinders University
Dr Lansheng Zhang, University of Sydney
Dr Olivier Krischer, University of New South Wales Arts and Design
Sessions 2: Wednesday 4 December 2024 14.30-16.00 AEDT
Associate Professor Michelle Antoinette, Monash University
Dr Olivier Krischer, University of New South Wales Arts and Design
Liang Luscombe, Monash University
Elysha Rei, Queensland University of Technology
Dr Lisa Andrew, University of New South Wales Art & Design
Highlights of the day